
Francesca Laffey

Hi there and congratulations on your pregnancy! I’m here to work alongside you and your family, throughout your pregnancy, labour/birth and postnatal care. I believe that growing, birthing and learning to care for your baby is a normal and natural life event. Your body’s ability to develop and change through these events is phenomenal!

My aim is to work in partnership with you to provide quality care throughout this time, that respects your values and achieves the best possible experience for you and your baby, whilst providing optimum care and keeping you both safe, whilst allowing you the space to do this without interference. Through information sharing and discussion, I hope to assist you in feeling empowered throughout your journey.

Within our practice, there is a wonderful range of experience to draw from and this knowledge is always available to support you.

I live in Loburn, with my husband and two children. I provide care for women right across the North Canterbury area and also cover the Northern suburbs of Christchurch. I support births at the Rangiora Primary Birthing Unit, St George’s Primary Birthing Unit, Christchurch Women’s Hospital and Home Births.

All the best with your journey!

Francesca Laffey


New Zealand Registered Midwife