Birth Journey Midwives is a collective of dedicated midwifery professionals with shared values of partnership, commitment and aroha

Partnership is a key concept in our practice; it is based on a relationship of trust, mutual decision making and responsibility, negotiation and shared understanding. We work in partnership with you and your family/whānau to provide continuity of midwifery care throughout your maternity experience. 

We share a commitment to women and their families/whānau and the midwifery profession to provide current, evidence-based midwifery care, which forms our practice for safe and satisfying outcomes.

Aroha encompasses the ‘breath of life’ and seeks to bring out the best in people. Birth Journey Midwives share a generosity of spirit and see each person as an individual who brings their own set of beliefs, values and culture to the midwifery partnership.

It’s important to us that you feel comfortable with the person who guides you through this natural process.

Get to know our midwives Tash, Gem, Sammie, Alisha, Fran, Sharon, Deb, Molly and Sonya below.

Our Team

Deb Christensen

Hi, I’m Deb. Like all of us at Birth Journey Midwives, I believe in your body’s natural abilities to birth your baby. I am proud to be part of our supportive team who are committed to providing you with the most recent and up to date care.

Sonya Gray

I have been a midwife since 2005 and have a strong belief in the female body to grow, birth and nurture her baby and as a midwife I am here to support women through this journey to motherhood.

Francesca Laffey

I’m here to work alongside you and your family, throughout your pregnancy, labour/birth and postnatal care. I believe that growing, birthing and learning to care for your baby is a normal and natural life event.

Molly Bool

I am a midwife who is passionate about holistic midwifery care. I support women and their families throughout their pregnancy, labour/birth and during the postnatal period.

Natasha Cayless

I believe birth is such a special and important life event and as a midwife it is a privilege to walk alongside women and their families on this journey. My aim is to provide individualized care in partnership with the woman, providing evidence based information to allow women and families to make informed decisions and supporting them in their journey to parenthood.

Alisha Aravena

My aim is to provide midwifery care through partnership with you and your whānau, respecting your values and culture. I welcome pregnant people from all communities, including LGBTQIA. 

Gem Cartson

I take an individualised approach and provide antenatal, labour, birth, and postnatal care based on informed choice. I feel privileged to be selected to work with families at such a pivotal time in their lives.